Is Graecopithecus a hominin?
Graecopithecus , from Fuss and colleagues 2017 , figure 1. I've gotten a few questions about this Graecopithecus , so I guess I should weigh in with some kind of opinion. The problem is that there isn't much to have an opinion on. The Graecopithecus fossils in question are a jaw from Greece and a tooth from Bulgaria, shown above. The fossils have been known for decades, but the new study from Jochen Fuss and colleagues applies micro-CT to the teeth and attempts to draw from that a classification of the fossil. As far as I can tell (and remember I'm not a paleoanthropologist), this is a pretty neat way to get information out of a pretty uninformative fossil. Based on the shape of the roots of the teeth, Fuss and colleagues propose that Graecopithecus may have been or definitely was a hominin. Their certainty on this point varies in different locations in the paper, suggesting that reviewers made them tone it down. As you can see in the photo abov...