Hurricane survival and other matters

Here's a (very) brief update on everything happening at Core Academy.  By some great, undeserved mercy, Core Academy was spared from the devastation of Helene.  You've no doubt seen the many reports of destruction to the east of here in the mountains, and we all here have many friends and family in the region.  Please pray earnestly with us that God would bring recovery and comfort to the people impacted by this terrible storm.

Here at the office, thanks to our move in the spring, everything is high and dry.  We had a massively busy summer season, and we're looking forward to a slightly slower fall.  Here are a few highlights:

  • In June we sponsored another round of Dino Camp here in Dayton, working in conjunction with Rhea County Academy.  We had a great time teaching kids about dinosaurs and working on cleaning real dinosaur bones.  Thanks especially to our regular volunteer Nikki E. who helped us from start to finish!
  • My podcast host Paul Garner visited in July, and we recorded six episodes, half of which have already been released (Q&A, Interview with Hans Madueme Part 1, Interview with Hans Madueme Part 2).  If you're not part of the regular audience of our podcast Let's Talk Creation, you're definitely missing out!
  • During the Scopes Festival this year (the 99th anniversary), Core Academy sponsored a unique event called Creation Together.  Darrel Falk and I were together again here in Dayton for a public discussion of our differences at Trinity Chapel.  This was easily our most successful event in years, and we were very grateful for everyone who attended.  I'll have more about this meeting in a future blog article (soon I swear).
  • Core Academy also attended the annual Origins conference in St. Louis this year, and I gave an update on my work surveying paleolithic discoveries in the region of southwest Asia and northeast Africa, particularly in the Holy Land.  Other presentations covered interesting topics like the baraminology of giraffes, the meaning of "kind" in Genesis 1, and carbon dating.
  • In August we began intense planning for next year's events, including BIG plans for the centennial of the Scopes Trial. I also held a webinar for the Sanders Scholarship program, and applications are due this Friday!
  • In September, we held our first fall retreat on the subject of the image of God and human fossils.  I brought six different partial skeletons to share, and we had an excellent time together.  We'll be thinking about more fall retreats in the near future.

And that brings us roughly up to date.  I'm currently working feverishly on finishing a book manuscript that I'm already under contract to deliver in the near future.  Please pray for me that I will be able to keep a clear head and good focus as I finish this work.

Pray also for Core Academy as we consider new programs for the new year.  We have several big ideas for events and educational opportunities, and we need good direction and wisdom as we determine which projects we ought to invest in.

As always, remember that Core Academy is a donor-supported ministry.  Some 80% of our income comes from donations, for which we are immensely grateful.  With our new offices, expenses have gone up, and we would appreciate your support if you are able.  None of our vital work in teaching about God's creation could continue without your financial gifts.  Thank you!  Visit to learn how you can contribute.

Come back later this week for an update on Creation Together!

Feedback? Email me at toddcharleswood [at] gmail [dot] com. If you enjoyed this article, please consider a contribution to Core Academy of Science. Thank you.

Have you read my book?  You should check that out too!