Someone is wrong on the internet! Ask a Creationist

In case you missed it, I did an episode of Ask a Creationist a few weeks ago on what to do when someone is wrong.  I've been struggling with that a lot lately.  From the pandemic to racism to politics to creationism, it seems that some people are willing to believe the most outlandish nonsense.  And not just believe it but promote it with a vile combination of arrogance and ignorance.  If I call them on their rubbish, I'm told to "prove it," or I'm called arrogant or politically naive or un-Christian.  I'm accused of sending people to hell because I won't toe the party line (the party line that is complete nonsense).  I'm supposed to respect people's opinions, because expertise, skill, and experience no longer matters.  People spewing word salads with enough technical jargon are supposedly "worth considering."  Anonymous memes on social media are supposedly just as valid as the top experts in the world.  It's madness.

So I made this video mostly to remind myself of things I need to remember and of Who's in charge.  These are ideals that I admit I don't live up to, even this week.  Even as I write this, I'm thinking, I probably shouldn't say anything.  But maybe I should.

So please, for the love of all that is holy, before you post that next angry comment about whatever, ask yourself if you would want to read this about you and your opinions?  And if that doesn't work, ask yourself if some anonymous person on the internet leaving one-line comments is really worth getting worked up about.  Disagree, but disagree well.

Feedback? Email me at toddcharleswood [at] gmail [dot] com. If you enjoyed this article, please consider a contribution to Core Academy of Science. Thank you.

Have you read my book?  You should check that out too!