Bara min!

Well, this was unexpected.

I was working on my plenary talk for Origins 2011 the other day, and I stumbled across a book called Bara Min!, written by Lin Hallberg. Oddly enough, the book is not about creationist biology. Google Translation tells me it's about:
Santos is ridskolans unruly horse. But Sofia loves him! She is saving money and fantasize about the lonely, derelict little barn by the hands cottage. What if she could buy Santos and having him there. One day an ambulance outside the indoor arena. Santos was thrown by a student and ridskolechefen talking about the slaughter ... Sofia's dream is suddenly about life and death. She must save Santos!
Apparently the title is Swedish for "Just Me!" or so says Google Translation.

And you know how reliable Google Translation is.

Feedback? Email me at toddcharleswood [at] gmail [dot] com.