Origins 2011 Call for Abstracts

The formal call for abstracts for Origins 2011, the CBS/CGS joint conference, is available at the CBS website. Here's the full text:

Origins 2011: Call for Abstracts

The summer conference of the Creation Biology and Creation Geology Societies will be held at South Canyon Baptist Church in Rapid City, South Dakota on July 27-29, 2011.  We invite abstract submissions relevant to the life and earth sciences and the issue of origins.  Submissions must offer positive, constructive interpretations or criticisms.  All abstracts will be reviewed by an editor and at least one other specialist.  Submissions will be judged on scientific merit, adherence to the guidelines, and relevance to creationism.


  • Abstracts should not be longer than 700 words. Examples of published abstracts can be found in the Conference Proceedings issues of theOccasional Papers of the BSG.
  • Abstracts may include references (which are counted in the 700 word limit).
  • Abstracts must include a complete summary of the paper. That includes an introduction, methods, results, and conclusion where appropriate.
  • Abstracts should be written in English.
  • Names and affiliations of all authors should be included. Authors working independently should identify their affiliation as "Independent Scholar."

Abstracts should be submitted by email attachment to

As for my contributions, I'm cooking up a record number of submissions this year that should be very interesting (dinosaurs, anyone?). Meanwhile, I hope many of you have been thinking about what you will contribute to the program.

We'll have the registration available as soon as we finish planning the extra symposium that will follow the technical conference (hint: we're celebrating 50 years of The Genesis Flood).

Feedback? Email me at toddcharleswood [at] gmail [dot] com.