Alleged update

Remember that Scopes trial movie I mentioned a while back? The one filmed in Michigan and starring Fred Thompson and Brian Dennehy? Well the Alleged movie now has an Alleged trailer:

Check out more at the Alleged website or on the Alleged facebook page. There's also a host of scenes from the movie at the Alleged YouTube site. According to the comments on Facebook, they're still working out some kind of distribution deal.

I talked to one person who's already seen it, and he said it was good. Since he's not a movie critic (that I know of), I don't know what to make of that. It could be good in the sense of being more accurate than Inherit the Wind, but does that make it good in the sense of being a good movie? I don't know.

I'll keep my eye on the Alleged movie, and in the meantime, interested readers can check out resources on the real history of the Scopes trial on the Bryan College website.

P.S. See what I mean about the Alleged title?

Feedback? Email me at toddcharleswood [at] gmail [dot] com.