
Showing posts from December, 2024

Persuasion, Pluralism, Perseverance

Let's Talk Creation debuted its 100th episode recently with a recording of the Creation Together event from last summer.  The episode presents a public meeting with me and Darrel Falk describing our relationship and differences and where things currently stand.  You might have read about this in our book The Fool and the Heretic .  Whenever we have an event like this or advertise what we've been doing, I always feel like the complexity and challenges of what we've done get reduced by the listeners to easy categories they're familiar with.  With those reductions come reactions that sort of cluster around one of two extremes: excitement or condemnation.  I'm always left feeling like people don't quite get it.  So let me see if I can put my thoughts into words, which will undoubtedly be misunderstood yet again, but I'll give it my best try. As usual, let me preface this by reminding readers that this is my own perspective, not Darrel's nor anyone else in...

Jumbo human origins roundup

There's been a lot of interesting stories regarding human origins this year (and last year), small bits and pieces that are worth chatting about but maybe not in a full blog post.  I've been busy with a lot of other things, but rather than let all these interesting stories go to waste, I'm doing a giant story dump right here, right now.  As always, my focus is physical anthro and archaeology.  Not much genetics here.  Merry Christmas! Homo naledi?   The biggest story in my view is the continued absence of further research on the claims from Rising Star.  We're now on the second anniversary of Berger's announcement of fire evidence in the cave where remains of Homo naledi were found.  Still no paper.  That was followed by additional announcements of burials, engravings, and putative tools , this time with papers.  Those claims were met with skepticism and some (evidently) powerful rebuttals , which have to date not been answered.  The p...

Creation Together and the future!

 Today, we've got a scheduled premiere of the 100th episode of Let's Talk Creation at 3pm Eastern time, so you might want to check that out.  This episode is the recording of the Creation Together event from this past summer.  As many of you know, Darrel Falk and I have been meeting together for more than a decade now trying to sort out our differences, and they are big differences.  Darrel thinks God used evolution to create the world, and I think not.  But we're both Christians, and when we're together, I do believe God blesses our efforts.  You can read about part of our journey in our book The Fool and the Heretic .  I've been interested in rekindling our efforts for a long time, and 2024 seemed like a good time to do it.  I recruited some new faces to join our conversation, some of whom you might even recognize. We spent two days privately talking and praying and reading scripture together, and then we held a time of public testimony at Trini...