New offices and busy summer!
Core Academy recently moved our offices off the campus of Rhea County Academy and out of the leaky, old portable classroom we occupied for seven years into a much larger facility in a local professional building. We were thrilled to get that portable classroom years ago, and the Lord used that building to grow the ministry. But as the years passed, the building's age (31 years) started to show, and we knew we needed something bigger. Now we have it. A new office suite opened up, and the board decided to jump on it. We spent the month of April moving into the new facility and setting up our offices. Today, the library is mostly unpacked, and our offices are functional. We still have a lot of unpacking and organizing to do, but that will be part time as we gear up for our busy summer. What's coming this summer? First up, two weeks of Dinosaur Camp, which we are offering as part of a larger slate of camps from Rhea County Academy. If you're l...