Homo naledi with controlled FIRE!
At his Carnegie Science lecture tonight, Lee Berger just announced abundant evidence of fire use in the Rising Star Cave, where the famous Homo naledi remains were found. That's beyond HUGE. To recap: A massive fossil trove from a cave called Rising Star has been excavated by Lee Berger's team over the last decade. The creatures are called Homo naledi , and the peculiar attributes of their deposition suggests they were intentionally placed their by the fellow Homo naledi . I've written about this a lot ( just search for naledi ), and I've taken flak from fellow creationists who have criticized my position on Homo naledi . My own research has shown that Homo naledi is human, and the evidence for intentional body disposal (human burial?) is pretty overwhelming. No one has yet proposed anything close to a model that explains the peculiar features of the Rising Star Cave and that is NOT intentional body disposal. As I mentioned, tonight Berger announced evidence of...