Thoughts on Origins 2021

What a weekend! We just finished up the Origins 2021 conference yesterday, and I'm both excited and exhausted (as usual). In total, we had nineteen presentations, a panel discussion, and a field trip over the course of three days. It was also the first time the new Creation Theology Society joined us, and their presentations elicited a lot of good reaction and conversation. Since last year's conference was entirely online, this was our first in-person conference in two years. Since we expected COVID to still be a problem, we wanted to keep the conference as simple as possible and easy to cancel. So we opted for multiple live venues with video streaming from one site to another. That worked OK. We did have to cancel one venue because of COVID, so that worked exactly as we expected. But the technical challenges were predictably challenging. Even though there were a lot of technical problems, I think people generally enjoyed being together at...