ICC8: July 29 - Aug 1, 2018
I just got the ICC's latest call for "proposals" for the 2018 International Conference on Creationism, which you can find at the ICC website . The proposal deadline is January 31, 2017. A couple thoughts: John Whitmore from Cedarville University is going to be handling the General Editor's duties this time. God bless you, John. That's a lot of work. They're asking for "proposals" this time, which are a bit more elaborate than the abstracts they used to ask for. This time, they want the keywords, author's bio, suggested reviewer, and references along with the 300-800 word abstract. The most surprising development is the "submission fee:" A non-refundable submission fee of $25 (per proposal) will be charged whether your proposal is accepted or not. The money will be used to help offset clerical expenses for editing the proceedings. Wow. A typical journal will finance publication of articles by a mix of page charges and...