Get an autographed copy of Is Genesis History?

We're offering special DVDs and Blu-rays autographed by seven of the scientists from the movie Is Genesis History? : Kurt Wise, Andrew Snelling, Steve Austin, Steve Boyd, Todd Wood, Doug Petrovich, and Danny Faulkner. The cost is just $50, and all proceeds support the ministry of Core Academy of Science. There are only ten DVDs and ten Blu-rays available, so if you want one, you better act quickly! To get a DVD copy, click here: To get a Blu-ray copy, click here: Due to our busy schedule this week, we will ship these disks beginning Saturday, so you should expect to receive yours after the fourth of July holiday. What's this all about? Core Academy of Science - the creation and science ministry started by me, Todd Wood - is raising money to renovate our new building. Core Academy helps Christian students better understand science and faith. We create specialized curricula (including our in-progress textbook Introdu...