Looking for The Creationist

I just picked up this item for the CORE library, and I know next to nothing about it. I've seen issues of The Creationist before, and this one is volume 1, issue 1, dated March, 1963. It's published by the Christian Evidence League of Malverne, New York and edited by C. Wm. Anderson. I can find next to nothing about the Christian Evidence League on Google. According to the list of CEL publications on the back of The Creationist, they published Dudley Joseph Whitney's book Face of the Deep.

The issue in the CORE collection is twenty pages of what appear to be reprinted articles from other publications. There are articles by Dudley Joseph Whitney, George McCready Price, and Philip Mauro (author of Evolution at the Bar [1922]). The typeface varies throughout the issue, and it frankly looks like it was cut and pasted from the original publications. I'm sure The Creationist didn't have a great deal of impact, since the more prominent CRS and BSA were also becoming active in the 1960s. But we do like obscure work here at CORE, and I would really appreciate any information about CEL or The Creationist. You can email me at the address listed under the "Welcome!" message to the right.