New offices and busy summer!

Core Academy recently moved our offices off the campus of Rhea County Academy and out of the leaky, old portable classroom we occupied for seven years into a much larger facility in a local professional building.  We were thrilled to get that portable classroom years ago, and the Lord used that building to grow the ministry.  But as the years passed, the building's age (31 years) started to show, and we knew we needed something bigger.

Now we have it.  A new office suite opened up, and the board decided to jump on it.  We spent the month of April moving into the new facility and setting up our offices.  Today, the library is mostly unpacked, and our offices are functional.  We still have a lot of unpacking and organizing to do, but that will be part time as we gear up for our busy summer.

What's coming this summer?  First up, two weeks of Dinosaur Camp, which we are offering as part of a larger slate of camps from Rhea County Academy.  If you're local to Dayton or Rhea County, there are still spaces available for your kids, but you better move quickly.  Check out for all the details.

Next up, in July, Paul and I will be back together in Dayton to record more in-person episodes of Let's Talk Creation.  We just posted our 85th episode this week (all about viruses), and we've got episodes planned into the fall.  As part of this trip, Paul will be hosting a discussion with me and Darrel Falk at Trinity Chapel in Dayton on Thursday night, July 18, at 7:00 pm.  If you've never had the chance to hear Darrel and me talk about our long term relationship and discussions about creation and evolution, this is the perfect opportunity.  We scheduled this to coincide with the Scopes Trial Play and Festivities, so you can make it a long weekend.  Check out Darrel and me on Thursday, see the Scopes Trial play on Friday, then on Saturday we're doing a fossil dig for the kids on the courthouse lawn!

Learn more about Creation Together: The Fool and the Heretic, the public event with me and Darrel Falk

Learn more about the Scopes Trial play

Then the week after that (yes, the week after, I'll be exhausted), it's the annual Origins conference.  This year's conference will be in St. Louis, and the plenary speakers include Matt McLain (The Master's University), Hans Madueme (Covenant College), and Paul Garner (Biblical Creation Trust).  I've submitted two abstracts, both on human origins (surprise, surprise).  Tickets are now available.

Learn more about Origins 2024

Then in August, we'll have an open house to celebrate our new offices.  That has yet to be scheduled.

You can see we'll be busy, and I really hope all our friends and supporters can take advantage of one of these upcoming events!  We got plenty of opportunity to learn about creation and the work of Core Academy.  You might even meet a Sanders Scholar or two at Origins!

I definitely want to thank everyone who has helped us get settled in our new place, from our new landlord to the folks who helped us move everything to those who gave financially.  We have been blessed with many friends without whom I'd still be hunched over my laptop in my bedroom.  So THANK YOU!  We still have a lot of need though.  Because we needed to sign the lease quickly, we chose to pay the extra expenses mostly out of our cash reserve.  We're now in need of your support more than ever.  If you've enjoyed our work on Let's Talk Creation or one of our live events, we hope you'll pray about giving now.  When we moved in, I estimated we'd need about $5,000, and we've received about $1,800 of that.  You can make a gift to Core Academy at or just come by the office to drop off your contribution.  Thank you very much, and I hope we'll see you this summer!

Feedback? Email me at toddcharleswood [at] gmail [dot] com. If you enjoyed this article, please consider a contribution to Core Academy of Science. Thank you.

Have you read my book?  You should check that out too!