Core Academy research in the 2023 ICC Proceedings


I'm pretty excited to see the ICC Proceedings are now available as a full volume (not sure when individual papers will appear). I often get asked "What do you do?" and it's very hard to describe.  I'm part promoter, part fundraiser, part administrator, part mentor, part scientist, part scholar, part writer, part teacher, part podcast mastermind.  Here in the ICC Proceedings, you can get a glimpse of a couple of those parts: mentor, scientist, scholar, writer.  You can catch up on previous ICC reporting on my blog (here and here) and on Let's Talk Creation podcast (here and here).

Now you might think these papers will be written in egghead-ese and impossible to understand, and you'd be close to right.  But I especially want to draw your attention to one of our biggest contributions, Human History from Adam to Abraham, which was (hopefully) written with a more general reader in mind.  It's not exactly great bedtime reading, but I sincerely hope that it will reward the diligent reader.  It's kind of a big deal.

Next, I've gotten several questions about the big collaborative work we did on Testing the Order of the Fossil Record, and now you can read it for yourself if you're interested.  It was a tricky paper to write, but it's an immense amount of data and worth your time I think.  Long story short: Evolutionary stories about the fossil record match the fossil record only rarely.  That's also a pretty big deal.

Then there's my postcranial paper, which I described previously and which took about three years to complete.  That's probably the biggest deal, even though the paper is pretty technical and not for everyone.  Main outcome: the postcranial characters look a lot like the craniodental characters I used previously.  Hominin Baraminology Reconsidered with Postcranial Characters.

And then the rest of my technical papers:

Now I call these "big deals," but please understand what I mean by that.  These are all works in progress.  Every one of them.  I'm not declaring "God's honest truth" here.  Like all scholarship, this is our best understanding for now.  We continue to explore and study and learn, and as we do our understanding will mature and grow.  In five years, these papers will be sadly outdated, but for the here and now, the present state of things, these papers present a pretty substantial step forward in our understanding.  They (and all the papers at ICC) also expose that moldy old fallacy that creationists don't engage in real research or scholarship.  And for those who wonder what I actually do, here you go: 48,603 words.  For all these reasons, I think they're pretty big deals.

And I'd be remiss if I didn't ask for your support this holiday season.  Every year, Core Academy raises approximately 35-40% of its annual giving during the time from Thanksgiving to New Year's Eve.  This year we're shooting for $30,000, which is a lot of money, but I'm thrilled to say we're already well on our way with $8300 already given.  If you've been excited or encouraged by the work we do, from our retreats to seminars to summer camp to special events to creation research, please consider clicking that donate button and making a gift this holiday season.  As a 501c3 organization, all your gifts are tax-deductible.  Thanks for reading, and thanks very much for your support!

Feedback? Email me at toddcharleswood [at] gmail [dot] com. If you enjoyed this article, please consider a contribution to Core Academy of Science. Thank you.

Have you read my book?  You should check that out too!