Is Todd Wood ever going to post on his blog again?

Wow.  I didn't realize it had been so long since I was here.  I guess I have the usual excuses: I've been busy, I've been quarantined, I've been social media distancing, and so forth.  So what's new?

Well, since the last time I posted here was just before Christmas, let me give you a quick rundown on the last few months of my life:

  • We met our fundraising goal for 2019!  Well, we raised 99% of the goal, which in my book is close enough.  Read more here.
  • I posted another Fossil Focus video in December: The Taung Child.  I have big plans for another one, but it's all about that free time thing, which I don't have much of right now.
  • I spent a lot of time traveling.  First up was my visit to Calvin College with Darrel Falk, where we appeared on the January Series.  If you've ever wondered what it was like to hear us in person, here's your chance.  Our presentation is on YouTube.
  • Next, I did some ministry trips, first to Texas and to Virginia.
  • I also got to visit the hominin fossil remains from South Africa on display in Dallas.  You can read about that visit here.
  • Our annual Smoky Mountain Creation Retreat was really good this year, as we considered questions of biblical archaeology with our guest Henry Smith of Associates for Biblical Research.  Read all about it.
  • I recently started a series called "Ask a Creationist."  Here is the first video: What is a virus?  I'm about to do the second one, "What good is a virus?"  And I have a list of questions to address beyond that.  Let me know what you want to know.

We had other things planned for March and beyond, but they've all been canceled as the nation shuts down for this pandemic.  While everyone seems to be talking about boredom from working at home, I'm busier than ever.  For my job at Rhea County Academy, I'm recording all my lessons and trying to conduct my classes remotely.  My workload has gone up by about 50%, which is exhausting.

And at the same time, irregular donations to Core Academy have dropped off, and understandably so.  People have lost their jobs, money is tight, and we're not able to get out there and let people know about our ministry.  Still, when most of our income comes from donations, things are tight around here.  If you have the means, we would appreciate your support.

What else am I up to now that all our events are cancelled?  Here's a short list:

  • I have a research project I've been working on for far, far too long (more than a year), and I'm desperately trying to get it done.  It's supposed to be a paper (rather than a book), and I'm determined that it will remain a paper (or a short series of papers).  Still, the paper has an insane appendix of >300 pages and >800 figures.  I'm trying to be thorough.  I want this project done.
  • I'm working on new video content for Core Academy.  I've started a new series called "Ask a Creationist" that will go along with our "Fossil Focus" videos.  "Ask a Creationist" will give me a platform to explore a more diverse array of subjects than "Fossil Focus."  I'd love to hear your questions, so send them in!
  • I'm also working on several book projects.  The one that is farthest along is a book on "Finding Christ in Creation" (not the final title).  In the book, I'm exploring the various images of Jesus in Genesis 1-11.  I'm trying to get apathetic people to see how important and exciting the doctrine of creation is, even if you don't care about the science of origins.
  • I've also got the beginnings of a human origins book that will cover both theology and science, but that's been derailed by the cancellation of our planned trip to Africa this summer.  I'm not sure when I'll be able to return to that work, but I hope it will be worth the wait.
  • Thomas Purifoy, the publisher of my book The Quest: Exploring Creation's Hardest Problems, asked me to revise my first book Understanding the Pattern of Life for republication.  That's probably a bigger job than I think, since I probably hate that book by now (it's twenty years out of date).  But I think it's a worthy thing to try.  Unfortunately, I probably won't begin that work at least until school is over in May.

You know what else I'm going to try to do?  I'm going to try to post more right here on my personal blog.  Wouldn't that be nice?

One final thing: if you have the means, please consider a donation.  Thanks!

Feedback? Email me at toddcharleswood [at] gmail [dot] com. If you enjoyed this article, please consider a contribution to Core Academy of Science. Thank you.

Have you read my book?  You should check that out too!