Core Academy Triple Gift Challenge

While we're waiting for more news on Little Foot and Ultima Thule, I thought I'd share with you the gift challenge Core Academy is running this week.  We're looking to raise $2,500 by Christmas in order to receive a challenge gift of $5,000!  That means every gift to Core Academy this week is automatically TRIPLED!  That's a good deal.  If you've appreciated the work I do here or one of our creation retreats, I hope you'll consider a gift.  Even small gifts mean a lot to us as we work together to raise up a new generation of creation researchers!  Click the image above to find out more about supporting us, or just go straight to Paypal by clicking that donate button below.  THANK YOU!

Feedback? Email me at toddcharleswood [at] gmail [dot] com. If you enjoyed this article, please consider a contribution to Core Academy of Science. Thank you.

Have you read my book?  You should check that out too!