Sticky Faith 3: What can we do?

For those just joining this series, I'm writing about my thoughts and reactions after reading Powell and Clark's book Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in your Kids . Specifically, I'm looking for insight into the way adolescents these days hold onto their faith as they mature. What I've talked about so far (read part 1 and part 2 ) has been mostly about the nature of adolescent development from a childish, concrete way of looking at the world to a mature, adult view with all the nuances and abstractions that comes with it. Rather than ask why kids fall away from their childhood faith, Sticky Faith takes the obvious approach of asking what is different about kids who retain their faith and kids who don't. One important discovery they found was that teens who have contact with Christian adults outside of their parents or youth workers are more likely to retain their faith as they mature. I think that's pretty significant...