Movie ponderings: The Riot and the Dance

Wow. Last night, I went to see the new film The Riot and the Dance featuring biologist Gordon Wilson from New St. Andrews College. Gordon was a professor of mine when I was an undergrad at Liberty. He taught me to appreciate plants, which was a big deal because at the time I thought plants were boring. Boy was I wrong. Today, many years after my botany class, I saw Gordon on the big screen, and I'm struggling to express what I saw. The movie was quintessential Gordon as he chased snakes and lizards and bugs and even a leech. The movie was also so much bigger and so much deeper and so much more than I have experienced before. This is Gordon's thought and ideas magnified and matured and frankly amazing. This is biblical integration done well . Finally. Within Christian academia there's a big concept going around called the integration of faith and learning . It's supposed to be about how we put our specialized...