Sunday School class

This is actually happening:

New Sunday School Class: Creation!  Evolution!  Can a Christian believe in evolution?  Can a rational person believe in creation?  Whether you’re deeply invested in the creation/evolution war, annoyed with all the fuss, or just mystified, the debate over our origins has much to teach us about the Bible, doctrine, and faith.  Beginning November 4, Todd Wood will lead a study of creation that will inform, challenge, and maybe even irritate you.  Through it all, we’ll be reminded to trust God’s sovereignty even when we don’t understand (which is most of the time anyway).
Westminster Presbyterian Church
1161 Hiwassee Highway
Dayton, TN  37321
11:00 am

I have a plan and an outline for the class, but I don't know how long it will take to get through it.  Probably some time around March.  I think.  Don't hold me to that.

Feedback? Email me at toddcharleswood [at] gmail [dot] com.