Look! A new post!
I've been busy lately, taking time out after that Darwin blog-a-thon. I've been working on my Wasmann paper for the symposium this weekend, reading Desmond and Moore's Darwin's Sacred Cause , making arrangements to attend the big SSB/SSE/ASN conference this summer, and basically trying (successfully) to keep the blog from running my life. The Wasmann project has been a lot of fun, particularly observing how different ideologies used Wasmann's arguments for their own purposes. Basically, Wasmann was open to the possibility of evolution as God's mechanism of creation and believed that the Bible could not be used to inform natural science. Sounds like a theistic evolutionist, right? But Wasmann was also unconvinced that evolution proceeded from a single common ancestor and instead argued for the permanence of "natural species," which in one passage he speculated could be as big as a phylum. He also rejected human evolution based on lack of evidence...