
Showing posts from April, 2024

Origins 2024 deadline extended!

Due to the busyness of the season, the CBS board decided to extend the abstract deadline to May 15.  So if you have an idea for an abstract and no time to get it done, send it in anyway.  Visit the Creation Biology Society website for more details on submitting an abstract. Feedback? Email me at toddcharleswood [at] gmail [dot] com. If you enjoyed this article, please consider a contribution to Core Academy of Science. Thank you. Have you read my book?  You should check that out too!

Origins 2024 reminder!

I haven't posted here in months, but I did want to make sure the word is getting out about Origins 2024.  In a regular year, we would announce at the Origins conference when the next conference is going to be, but last year was ICC and quite hectic.  So we've been slow getting a venue booked and slow getting announcements out, but the conference is definitely on!   This summer, we'll be meeting in St. Louis, MO on July 21-24, and the call for abstracts has already been out a while now.  If you've been thinking about submitting something, the deadline is next week May 1!  If this is the first you're hearing about it, we do apologize, and we hope you can put something together at least summarizing your current research. As usual, we're looking for submissions on biology, geology, and/or biblical studies and theology.  Submissions can be sent to editor at creationbiology dot org.  See the call for abstracts at the CBS website . Feedback? Email me at todd...