Origins 2022: Fun Times!

Well, despite a lot of weird setbacks this year, we've finished another mostly smooth and successful Origins conference. This is our second year with the Creation Theology Society, and it's been a blessing to have those guys with us giving us good biblical guidance. That's their interdisciplinary panel discussion in the photo above. I've been very encouraged by all of their work. There was a lot of emphasis on baraminology and especially baraminology methods this year, and that was also exciting. Regular readers might remember that there's been criticism of baraminology over the past few years (some of it good and some of it not so good), and despite my work showing that the methods aren't as bad as everyone says, it's definitely nice to see a real effort to diversify. As always, the conference has also been a fertile time for good ideas. I talked to folks about the historical Abraham and what that means for our understanding of creation, the language...