
Showing posts from April, 2022

Teaching, hearing, learning

  It's weird to think that I'm old enough now that students can come back to me as adults to tell me what they thought of my teaching.  Sometimes that's a nice experience, because students really took my guidance and teaching to heart and became better people and better scholars for it.  Other encounters make me wonder if I taught anyone anything.  And then there are those instances where people think I've taught them things that I never did or would even consider.  I have been thoroughly misunderstood on more occasions than I care to remember, even on issues where I made my position perfectly, crystal clear.  Some folks, even after reading a large amount of my work, still have no idea what I actually believe and think I should be tossed out with the rest of the garbage. I've been thinking about this as I've seen a lot of people lately in the creation/evolution debate wildly misunderstand and misrepresent each other.  I recently read a book on theistic...