What a surprise, huh? You may have seen the pretty sensational recent headline going around social media - Most human origins stories are not compatible with known fossils . I took some time today to read both the news release and the scientific article upon which that headline was based. And I have to say, I don't see how the headline comes from the article. It's just another example of the only purpose that headlines serve any more: getting people to click on the story. A more accurate headline might have been something like "Hominin origins from Miocene apes still unclear," but who's going to click on that? The review article Fossil Apes and Human Evolution by Almécija et al. isn't really about human origins as much as it's about hominin origins. The difference between the two is pretty big: When you think of humans, you think of yourself, a specific human, but hominins include a much bigger range of forms, some human and some not...