Reflections on 2019
What a year! The Core Academy mission is to nurture the next generation of faithful, Christ-like creation researchers to explore the hardest problems in creation. We accomplish this through workshops and retreats, outreach events, and the Sanders Scholarship program. At this time of year, I'm already busily planning out next year's ministry work, but it's also important to stop and look back at our accomplishments in 2019. There are three big ones that I am very thankful for. First, in February, my book The Fool and the Heretic , written with Darrel Falk and Rob Barrett, was released from Zondervan. This book was born out of years of discussion with Darrel. It was a difficult book to write, and a difficult book to read. Reviews have ranged from unqualified praise to skepticism to outright condemnation. From both creationists and evolutionists, I've heard the same refrain: "Of course, being kind and loving is important, but the truth ...