Forbidden fruit was just the beginning

Because apples get a bum rap I had some thoughts over the weekend, and I wanted to get them down before I forgot. I've been pondering the Fall and the forbidden fruit. In Genesis 2-3, the forbidden fruit looms almost as large as the serpent, but I suspect it's mostly because of two things: The threat of death, and we know how the story ends. I suspect that leads us (creationists? other theologians?) to telescope in on the fruit and the consequences, as if that was all that was going on. As I ponder this, I'm also thinking about some modern theistic evolution readings of the Fall, where the entire account is rendered a kind of fable for the common human experience of yielding to temptation. After all, what kind of father curses the entire human race to death because someone ate the wrong piece of fruit? And that's where I think it's tragically misguided, because by focusing solely on the fruit, we're ignoring the context of God's instructions....