Core Academy building update

Before and after (most of) the floor installation. Things are coming along here at the new worldwide headquarters of Core Academy. I hope that long-time readers who have followed our journey over the past five years rejoice with us as we start a new chapter in our ministry. The building is nearing completion, and we've scheduled our Grand Opening for Friday October 20 at 7 pm . You are definitely invited to attend. We'll have a brief ribbon cutting, then let you tour the new facility. We'll even have some special guests, including professors from Bryan College helping with some local science demonstrations and Jacob Ellis, the Rhea county archivist, showing off some of the historical treasures from the Core Academy archives. As we prepare for the big opening, we still need help with moving. We've scheduled two big moving days: October 7 and 14. On the 7th, we will move the bulk of the library from Dayton Self Storage just behind O'Reilly a...