Random Bits #9
Jim Kidder has yet another post on parallel culture , and he makes an amazingly important point. He's specifically reacting to the essay " The Evangelical Rejection of Reason " at the New York Times , co-written by Karl Giberson and Randall Stephens, who identify themselves as Evangelical Christians. Giberson, you might recall, is the author of Saving Darwin: How to Be a Christian and Believe in Evolution and the co-author with Francis Collins of The Language of Science and Faith . Writing about their NYT essay, Jim says that by mixing evolutionary biology with beliefs typical of liberal Protestant theology, their message about evolution will be lost. Or to quote Jim, After reading Giberson's and Stephens' New York Times essay, why would your average evangelical even think about changing their minds about evolution? He's completely right about that. Go read what he has to say about it. It's definitely worth it. Some of you might recall last yea...